Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hot Time In The Old Tub Tonight

It all started out so perfect. I'd drawn a hot bath, and sank in with my headphones on. I put my feet up on the other end of the tub and stared at my freshly painted toenails until Her voice had me closing my eyes and drifting away to Blissville. 45 minutes or so later, She'd counted to 5 and welcomed me back to reality. For some reason, I felt it was time to grab the Barbasol and shaving razor and groom the dog. Just a public service announcement: Never shave in a blissed out Haylee haze. A few minutes later, I found myself wide awake with the burning sensation of bathwater in a rather sizable cut on my leg. Smaller divots appeared on my upper thighs, chest, and a mini gusher sprang forth from my chin. I looked down in stunned silence. What should've been a routine transition back to sparkly vampire mode ended up looking like we'd just made a few new human friends in Fangtasia. Red now tainted my bathwater as I cursed my own stupidity. The Malkavian in me, however, giggled like a schoolgirl. "Who doesn't love a good bloodbath?" In a few mildly painful moments, I managed to stop most of the bleeding and wash it all off in the shower. (The nick on my leg that started the whole mess is still going as I blog.) Anyway, it all went back to perfect for a moment as I toweled off and hit my knees to put my dog tag back on and remind myself "I belong to Haylee" and skipped happily out of the room seeking to find a proper bandage.

1 comment:

  1. AWwwww be more careful next time! Even though this did make me giggle ;)
